NHRC (National Human Rights Commission in India)

 NHRC (National Human Rights Commission in India)

Human Rights commission in India 

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in India is an independent statutory body that was established under the Protection of Human Rights Act in 1993. It is responsible for promoting and protecting human rights in India, and has the power to investigate violations of human rights committed by public servants and government authorities.

The NHRC is headquartered in New Delhi, and has regional offices in various cities across India. The Commission is headed by a Chairperson and consists of members who are appointed by the President of India. The Chairperson and members of the NHRC are selected from a pool of retired judges, civil servants, and experts in the field of human rights.

The NHRC has several functions and powers, including:

Investigating violations of human rights: The Commission has the power to investigate any violation of human rights, either suo motu or on a complaint received from a victim, a witness, or any person on their behalf.

Intervening in legal proceedings: The NHRC can intervene in any legal proceedings before a court or a tribunal where a human rights violation is alleged to have occurred.

Recommending compensation and relief: The Commission can recommend compensation or relief to the victims of human rights violations, as well as provide guidelines to the government on how to prevent such violations in the future.

Conducting research and awareness programs: The NHRC conducts research on human rights issues, and also organizes awareness programs and seminars to promote human rights education and awareness.

Monitoring detention centers: The Commission has the power to visit and monitor detention centers, such as prisons and police lockups, to ensure that the rights of the detainees are protected.

Reviewing human rights laws: The NHRC can review existing laws related to human rights and make recommendations to the government for their improvement.

The NHRC plays a crucial role in protecting and promoting human rights in India, and has been involved in several high-profile cases involving human rights violations. However, there have been criticisms regarding its effectiveness and independence, with some critics calling for greater autonomy and powers for the Commission.


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